International Engineering Meetings (IEM)
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The various agreements all hold two-yearly annual meetings at which they review policies and procedures, consider reviews of participating organisation performance in respect of the requirements in the agreements, and consider applications for membership. The participants may also agree to meet for specific purposes (e.g. policy development) between the two-yearly meetings.
Since 2000 the two yearly meetings schedule has been as follows:
- 2001 Thornybush, South Africa (hosted by the Engineering Council South Africa)
- 2003 Rotorua, New Zealand (hosted by the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand)
- 2005 Hong Kong (hosted by the Hong Kong Instituion of Engineers)
- 2007 Washington, D.C. (Hosted by ABET) * View the photo gallery
- 2009 Kyoto Japan (hosted jointly by the Japanese Accreditation Board for Engineering Education and the Institution of Engineers Japan) * View the photo gallery
- 2011 Taipei (hosted jointly by Institute of Engineering Education and Chinese institute of Engineers)
* View the photo gallery
* View the Taipei 2011 Presentations
Earlier meetings in relation to some or all agreements were held in the United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, Canada, Malaysia and the United States.